李贵东 |
发布时间: 2021-09-01 浏览次数: 545 |
教师简介 李贵东,男,山东枣庄人,中共党员,博士研究生,贵州大学特聘教授C类人才. 主要从事非线性泛函分析与偏微分方程研究,在《J. Differential Equations 》、《Nonlinearity》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》等国际权威数学期刊上发表论文近20 余篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目等科研项目5项. 现为美国数学会《Math. Review》评论员. 邮箱:bestdong123@163.com 主要经历 主要学历 2021年7月,获西南大学 基础数学专业 博士学位 2018年7月,获西南大学 基础数学专业 硕士学位 2015年7月,获济南大学 数学与应用数学专业 学士学位 主要工作经历 2021年7月至今 贵州大学 金沙js9线路中心主页 主要贡献 讲授课程:实变函数、拓扑学、泛函分析 (本科,硕士,博士) 科研项目: 1.国家自然科学基金青项目, 12201147, 一类不满足Berestycki-Lions条件Schrödinger方程解的研究, 2023-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 主持 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 12371163, 椭球坐标系下大气Ekman方程定性分析, 2024-01-01至 2027-12-31, 参与 3.国家自然科学基面上项目, 11971393, 几类非局部椭圆方程的基态解, 2020-01-01 至2023-12-31, 参与 4.贵州省基础研究计划一般项目, 黔科合基础-ZK [2023]一般033, 两类带有Hardy 位势Schrödinger 方程解的研究, 2023-01 至 2025-12, 主持 5.贵州省教育厅高校科学科研项目 (青年项目), 黔教技 [2022]097 号, Kirchhoff 型方程解的存在性研究, 2023-01 至 2024-12, 主持
近五年主要论文: [1] Fan, Song; Li, Gui-Dong Normalized ground state solutions for critical growth Schrödinger equations. Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst. 23 (2024), no. 1, Paper No. 38, 27 pp. [2] Li, Yong-Yong; Li, Gui-Dong; Tang, Chun-Lei Multiplicity and concentration of positive solutions for critical Choquard equations with concave perturbation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 524 (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 127112, 24 pp. [3] Li, Gui-Dong; Li, Yong-Yong; Tang, Chun-Lei Ground state solutions for critical Schrödinger equations with Hardy potential. Nonlinearity 35 (2022), no. 10, 5076–5108. [4] Li, Gui-Dong; Li, Yong-Yong; Tang, Chun-Lei Infinitely many radial and non-radial sign-changing solutions for Schrödinger equations. Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 11 (2022), no. 1, 907–920. [5] Li, Yong-Yong; Li, Gui-Dong; Tang, Chun-Lei Existence and concentration of solutions for Choquard equations with steep potential well and doubly critical exponents. Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 21 (2021), no. 1, 135–154. [6] Li, Gui-Dong; Li, Yong-Yong; Tang, Chun-Lei Existence and asymptotic behavior of ground state solutions for Schrödinger equations with Hardy potential and Berestycki-Lions type conditions. J. Differential Equations 275 (2021), 77–115. [7] Li, Gui-Dong; Li, Yong-Yong; Tang, Chun-Lei Existence and concentrate behavior of positive solutions for Chern-Simons-Schrödinger systems with critical growth. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 66 (2021), no. 3, 476–486. [8] Li, Yong-Yong; Li, Gui-Dong; Tang, Chun-Lei Existence and concentration of ground state solutions for Choquard equations involving critical growth and steep potential well. Nonlinear Anal. 200 (2020), 111997, 21 pp.. [9] Li, Gui-Dong; Li, Yong-Yong; Tang, Chun-Lei; Yin, Li-Feng Existence and concentrate behavior of ground state solutions for critical Choquard equations. Appl. Math. Lett. 96 (2019), 101–107. [10] Li, Gui-Dong; Tang, Chun-Lei Existence of ground state solutions for Choquard equation involving the general upper critical Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev nonlinear term. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 18 (2019), no. 1, 285–300. |
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